自2003年夏天開始,我們默默的展開我們的天然水晶寶石的銷售小天地 從拍賣開始一直到實體店面,我們專注於銷售優質的商品與天然寶石給我們的客戶 一路走來我們雖然緩慢,但是從未忘記我們的初衷 我們使用天然的水晶與寶石,手工創作時尚的寶石設計~ 沒有華麗的殿堂、沒有浮誇的言語也沒有炫麗的廣告行銷 憑著一顆堅持創作美的珠寶首飾的心一路走到今天,這條路上遇到很多朋友一路相挺 因為有你們才有現在的我們,我們真心感謝 我們會更加努力,也期盼能讓更多人看到我們的原創設計 也請繼續支持我們喔:)
Essy Jewelry was established in the beginning of the summer 2003. It’s been many years since then. We slowly grew from an “on-line” business to an actual shop. We’ve been focusing on providing our customers products with the best quality and natural gemstones. During this whole time, we kept looking for something fresh and new to learn, and also taking new advices to be better and better. AND WE STILL ARE! YOU are our first priority. To know what you love and provide what you want is our goal to achieve.
概念與類別 Concept & Collections
目前玥心寶石的設計訂單,遍佈加拿大、澳洲、香港、北京、美國、日本~ 無論是批發或是零售我們都歡迎您與我們聯絡!
To be outside of the box, we moved from traditional beaded bracelet and necklace to beautiful and unique handmade silver jewelry. To give the precious gemstone a brand new life and filled with passion and positive energy.
Each one of the design, they all came out from the designer’s creativity and proficiency which make them one of kind. They’re fashionable, classic and graceful. Each of them also presents the uniqueness of YOU.
In Essy Jewelry, we not only provide the glamorous silver jewel, but also offer the service of personal design just the way you want it.
To jump out the box, we use handmade silver jewelry to gives the old traditional style jewelry a brand new look. Filled with life and energy. We make it more stylish, classic and elegant. It bring out the owner’s personality and attitude. Every single one of it is a unique design from the designer, and it also filled with our passion and love.
And of course, we taking personal custom design. You can put your own thoughts and favor in your own personal jewelry. We’ve been taking orders from Canada, Australia, Hong Kong, China, US, Japan and so on. No matter where you are and what you need, please do contact us. We have both by wholesale and retail.
我們更引進世界各地許多優質純銀首飾!泰國的銀飾是世界聞名的,在當地有許多高山部落專門生產精緻的純銀飾品從小小的配件到成品,每一件都著實讓人驚艷!純銀的銀飾深受人們的喜愛,他可以很簡單、高雅、古典也可以很個性 !單純配戴可以讓單調的穿著立即加分,更可以增加個人魅力,搭配幸運寶石的純銀設計更可以為自己帶來好運!
我們還有進口多個國家不同的銀飾工藝, 無論泰國、巴里島、土耳其、義大利、歐洲、美國、以色列….等!
With delicately crafted handmade skill and technic, complex flowers, exquisite fluted totem or dancing butterflies and dragonflies are not just giving it a classic soft quality but also with a sense of fashion and beauty.
925 silver ornaments are loved by all ages. A few credits will be added right away just by wearing a simple design, and same as your charm. A silver design with gemstone will give you a bit of touch of luxury.
We also import silver craft from other different countries, such as Thailand, Turkey, Italy, Europe and so on.
In Essy Jewelry, you will find plentiful variety design to suit your own personal unique presence. Love it and enjoy it~
請持續支持我們喔!! ^_^ ~